Energy Saving Tips to Help Leeds SME’s

As an SME, being energy conscious will no doubt help cut costs but according to a survey by Carbon Trust most businesses are missing out. This is mostly down to the fact that they don’t decrease their energy consumption but by simply making a few easy changes they could reduce their bills.
At Direct Heating, the good news is that we can help you do just that. So if you’re a small or medium enterprise read on for 6 energy saving tips…
Energy Saving Audits
Before you start making invaluable changes you need to find out how your energy is being used. So scrutinise waste and consider any improvements to ensure your new habits are effective.
LED Lighting and Motion Sensors
Once an audit has been tackled, it’s time to look at lighting and in particular LEDs. Because did you know that this type of lighting uses 80 per cent less energy than halogens. They can, however, be costly and so if you’re concerned look at fluorescents instead. Simply replace standard tubes with slim-line versions, like T5 models for example. More often than not during the business day, we also leave lights on in rooms. So motion sensors are the perfect answer for turning them on and off. Lighting plays a big part in a companies budget but is needed to create a well-lit business. So try these tips to start seeing improvements in your energy usage and bills.
Switch to Energy Saving Mode
If you haven’t already set office equipment to energy saver mode. This includes computers and things like projectors, TVs and also printers. Where possible use timers so equipment turns off for holidays or over the weekend. It may not seem much but it will make a difference to your overall energy consumption.
Be Water Wise
When it comes to work tea breaks are a must but not if they break the bank! So be careful of how much water is used and only boil the amount you need. If we all did this the energy we’d save would power the UK’s street lights for a month. You could even nominate a member of your team to take responsibility for this for you…
Nominate a Heating Hero
Ever thought about nominating a heating hero to take on the responsibility as well as you? On your behalf, they can keep an eye on the temperature and ensure rooms are not excessively heated. Some companies have policies that state heating rules and this is often regulated by the director but by giving an employee access to controls you’ll have peace of mind when out of the office.
Replace an Outdated Boiler
If your commercial boiler has become outdated it may be more trouble than it’s worth. This is because parts are harder to source and it’s age makes it less energy efficient. But if you consider switching your boiler to say a Worcester Bosch commercial model, you’ll improve the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) for your business as well as lowering your energy bills.
Energy Saving Tips by Direct Heating
By simply following these tips Carbon Trust estimates savings of 30 per cent. So why delay, cut energy bills now and implement these powerful changes. If you’d like to discuss getting a free survey and quoteon an energy-efficient boiler, please get in touch with our commercial team by calling 0113 212 8077. Thank you for reading.

Energy Saving Tips to Help Leeds SME’s.