Renovate vs Relocate; Is it Better to Remodel or Move for Good?

When you first bought your home, it may have been love at first sight but as time goes on things change. Perhaps your family is growing and now your home feels small, it’s a dilemma most homeowners face. If this sounds like you and you’re considering a move, have you thought about home remodelling? Refurbishing a home is a great way to get some more space but let’s look at both sides of the coin…
Consider Any Emotional Ties
Yours and your families emotions will have a great impact on what you decide to do. Maybe you all love being a part of a tight community – you can’t ignore how you feel. So if you love your home and can’t bear to leave, a remodel may be the better option. A simple room reconfiguration with some structural changes will make a home feel like brand new.
Do You Love or Hate The Location?
A great location is hard to come by and your current one might just be perfect. If this is the case, are you better off staying and making a remodel your long-term goal? On the other hand, however, you might actually hate where you’re currently living. Perhaps a move would be best to be nearer family, good schools and public transport?
House Renovations Can Be Disruptive…
If you’ve never been through a renovation before, it can be a little disruptive. Suddenly a new kitchen means you’re without an oven and eating out for a week. Building work is also particularly noisy especially if any internal walls are being removed. Combat this by staying with friends or book a hotel for a short period of time.
… But Even a New House Might Need Some Work
Picture the scene you’ve taken the plunge and moved to a new house but suddenly you find it’s not up to scratch and actually needs new heating. What we’re trying to say is that even if you move, your new house may still need work. So that’s the cost of the move plus any renovations if you’re determined to make it perfect.
Our Expert Advice
It’s a tough decision to make but only you know what is best for your family. Before you decide, you should scrutinise what you will all need from a new home. You should also think about budget due to additional fees for selling up and moving home. Perhaps this money would be better well spent on renovating and staying put?
Renovate vs Relocate | Discuss a New Year Renovation
Thank you for reading this week’s post which looks at renovating vs moving. If you’re still stuck, why not get a quote on the likely cost of home remodelling? Able to provide a whole host of improvements, if you have anything specific in mind, at Direct Heating, we would love to assist! Please get in touch to discuss your requirements for a New Year home renovation. Thank you for reading.